Chapter 2 Function Reference — Configure_HW_Analog_Trigger
National Instruments Corporation 2-83 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = Configure_HW_Analog_Trigger (deviceNumber, onOrOff, lowValue, highValue,
mode, trigSource)
Configures the hardware analog trigger. The hardware analog trigg ering circuitry produces a
digital trigger that you can use for any of the signals available through th e Select_Signal
function by selecting source = ND_PFI_0).
Parameter Discussion
Legal ranges for the onOrOff, mode, and trigSource parameters are given in terms of
constants that are defined in a header file. The header file you should use depends on which
of the following languages you are using:
C programmers—NIDAQCNS.H (DATAACQ.H for LabWindows/CVI)
BASIC programmers—NIDAQCNS.INC (V isual Basic for Windo ws programmers should
refer to the Programming Language Considerations section in Chapter1, Using the
NI-DAQ Functions, for more information.)
Pascal programmers—NIDAQCNS.PAS
onOrOff informs NI-DAQ whether you want to turn the analog t rigger on or of f. Lega l values
for this parameter are ND_ON and ND_OFF.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
onOrOff u32 turns the analog trigger on or off
lowValue i32 specifies the low level used for analog triggering
highValue i32 specifies the high level used for analog triggering
mode u32 the way the triggers are generated
trigSource u32 the source of the signal used for triggering