Chapter 2 Function Reference — CTR_EvCount
National Instruments Corporation 2-93 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
10: SOURCE5 used as timebase if 1 ctr 5 or SOURCE 10 used as timebase
if 6 ctr 10.
11: GATE 1 used as timebase if 1 ctr 5 or GATE6 used as timebase
if 6 ctr 10.
12: GATE 2 used as timebase if 1 ctr 5 or GATE7 used as timebase
if 6 ctr 10.
13: GATE 3 used as timebase if 1 ctr 5 or GATE8 used as timebase
if 6 ctr 10.
14: GATE 4 used as timebase if 1 ctr 5 or GATE9 used as timebase
if 6 ctr 10.
15: GATE 5 used as timebase if 1 ctr 5 or GATE10 used as timebase
if 6 ctr 10.
Set timebase to zero to concatenate counters. Set timebase to 1 through 5 for the counter to
count one of the five available internal signals. Set timebase to 6 through 15 (except 10 for
the PC-TIO-10) to provide an external signal to a counter. This external signal is then the
signal NI-DAQ counts for event counting.
cont indicates whether counting continues after the counter reaches 65,535 and rolls over to
zero. cont can be either zero or 1. If cont = 0, event counting stops when the counter reaches
65,535 and rolls over, in which case an overflow condition is registered. If cont =1, event
counting continues when the counter rolls over and no overflow condition is registered.
cont= 1 is useful when more than one counter is concatenated for event counting.
Using This Function
CTR_EvCount configures the specified counter for an event-counting operation. The function
configures the counter to count up from zero and to use the gating mode, edge mode, output
type, and polarity as specified by the CTR_Config call.
Note Edge gating mode does not operate properly during event counting if cont= 1.
If cont = 1, use level gating modes or no-gating mode.
Applications for CTR_EvCount are discussed in Event-Counting Applications in Chapter3,
Software Overview, of the NI-DAQ User Manual for PC Compatibles.