Chapter 2 Function Reference — AO_VWrite
National Instruments Corporation 2-45 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = AO_VWrite (deviceNumber, chan, voltage)
Accepts a floating-point voltage value, scales it to the proper binary number, and writes that
number to an analog output or current channel to change the output voltage.
Parameter Discussion
chan is the analog output channel number.
Range: 0 or 1 for the AO-2DC, Lab and 1200 Series analog output, and MIO devices.
0 through 5 for AT-AO-6.
0 through 9 for AT-AO-10.
0 through 49 for the VXI-AO-48XDC.
voltage is the floating-point value to be scaled and written to the analog output channel. The
range of voltages depends on the type of device, on the jumpered output polarity, and on
whether you apply an external voltage reference.
Default ranges (bipolar, internal voltage reference):
MIO device: –10 to +10 V
AT-AO-6/10: –10 to +10 V
Lab and 1200 Series
analog output devices: –5 to +5 V
VXI-AO-48XDC: –10.24 to +10.24 V
Default ranges (unipolar, internal voltage reference):
AO-2DC device: 0 to +10 V
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
chan i16 analog output channel number
voltage f64 floating-point value to be scaled and written