Chapter 2 Function Reference — Calibrate_1200
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-52
National Instruments Corporation
saveNewCal is valid only when calOP is 2 or 3.
0: Do not save new calibration constants. Even though they are not permanently
saved in the EEPROM, calibration constants created after a successful calibration
remains in use by your device until your device is initialized again.
1: Save new calibration constants in EEPROMloc (1–6).
EEPROMloc selects the storage location in the onboard EEPROM to be used. Different sets
of calibration constants can be used to compensate for configuration or environmental
0: Use the default load table (valid only if calOP = 1).
1: User calibration area 1.
2: User calibration area 2.
3: User calibration area 3.
4: User calibration area 4.
5: User calibration area 5.
6: User calibration area 6.
7: Invalid.
8: Invalid.
9: Factory calibration area for unipolar (write protected).
10: Factory calibration area for bipolar (write protected).
Notice that the user cannot write into EEPROMloc 9 and 10.
calRefChan is the analog input channel connected to the calibration voltage of calRefVolts
when calOP is 2.
Range: 0 through 7.
grndRefChan is the analog input channel connected to ground when calOP is 2.
Range: 0 through 7.
DAC0chan is the analog input channel connected to DAC0 when calOP is 3.
Range: 0 through 7.
5ignored 1–6,
9–10 ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored
6ignored 1–6,
9–10 ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored
Table 2-16. Possible Calibrate_1200 Parameter Values (Continued)