Chapter 2 Function Reference — Config_Alarm_Dea dband
National Instruments Corporation 2-63 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = Config_Alarm_Deadband (deviceNumber, mode, chanStr, trigLevel, deadbandWidth,
handle, alarmOnMessage, alarmOffMessage,
Notifies NI-DAQ applications when analog input signals meet the alarm-on or alarm-off
condition you specified. Also, NI-DAQ sends your application a message or executes a
callback function that you provide.
Parameter Discussion
mode indicates whether to add a new alarm message or remove an old alarm message with
the given device.
0: Add a high alarm deadband event.
1: Add a low alarm deadband event.
2: Remove a high alarm deadband event.
3: Remove a low alarm deadband event.
chanStr is a string description of the trigger analog channel or digital port.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
mode i16 add or remove high/low alarm events
chanStr STR channel string
trigLevel f64 trigger level in volts
deadbandWidth f64 the width of the alarm deadband in volts
handle i16 handle
alarmOnMessage i16 user-defined alarm-on message
alarmOffMessage i16 user-defined alarm-off message
callbackAddr u32 user callback function address