Chapter 2 New Features in LabVIEW 5.1
National Instruments Corporation 2-39 LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum
Set Report Tab Width
Sets the tab width in the report. To place a tab in your text, insert the token <tab> in the text
string. Alternatively, you can use the Concatenate String function and insert a tab constant to
build the text string.
Enhancements to DAQThis section describes the data acquisition (DAQ) enhancements in
LabVIEW 5.1.
DAQ Solution Wizard
You can now use the DAQ Solution Wizard even if you have no DAQ
devices configured on your computer. However, without DAQ devices
installed on your computer you cannot specify particular board options, and
any opened solutions cannot be run until you install the appropriate DAQ
Support for NI-DAQ for Windows and Macintosh
LabVIEW 5.1 for Windows 95/NT ships with NI-DAQ 6.5. LabVIEW 5.1
for the Macintosh platform ships with an updated version of NI-DAQ 6.1.
The DAQ Channel Wizard has been upgraded in NI-DAQ 6.5 and now is
integrated in with the Measurement & Automation Explorer (the NI-DAQ
configuration utility), which allows you to configure and test your National
Instruments products from one common application.
New Syntax Element for Nonsequentially Scanned SCXI Module
If you operate a module in parallel mode, you can specify an SCXI channel
either by specifying the corresponding onboard channels or by using the
SCXI channel syntax. This syntax is described in the SCXI Channel
Addressing section of Chapter 20, Special Programming Considerations
for SCXI, in the LabVIEW Data Acquisition Basics Manual.