© National Instruments Corporation G-11 NI-VXI User Manual
queue A group of items waiting to be acted upon by the computer. The
arrangement of the items determines their processing priority. Queues
are usually accessed in a FIFO fashion.
read To get information from any input device or file storage media.
register A high-speed device used in a CPU for temporary storage of small
amounts of data or intermediate results during processing.
register-based device A Servant-only device that supports only the four basic VXIbus
configuration registers. Register-based devices are typically controlled
by message-based devices via device-dependent register reads and
remote controller A device in the VXI system that has the capability to control the
VXIbus, but has no intelligent CPU installed. An example is the
REQF Request False; a VXI Event condition transferred using either VXI
signals or VXI interrupts, indicating that a Servant no longer has a need
for service.
REQT Request True; a VXI Event condition transferred using either VXI
signals or VXI interrupts, indicating that a Servant has a need for
resman The name of the National Instruments Resource Manager application in
the NI-VXI bus interface software. See Resource Manager.
Resource Manager A message-based Commander located at Logical Address 0, which
provides configuration management services such as address map
configuration, Commander and Servant mappings, and self-test and
diagnostic management.
Response signal Used to report changes in Word Serial communication status between a
Servant and its Commander.
ret Return value.
RM See Resource Manager