Chapter 3 Software Overview
NI-VXI User Manual 3-20 © National Instruments Corporation
default handler provides examples of how to parse commands, respond
to queries, and generate protocol errors.
SetWSSEcmdHandler (func)
SetWSSEcmdHandler replaces the current WSSEcmd interrupt handler
with an alternate handler. While Word Serial operations are enabled,
the WSSEcmd interrupt handler is called whenever an Extended
Longword Serial command is received. A default handler,
DefaultWSSEcmdHandler, is supplied in source code as an example,
and is automatically installed when InitVXIlibrary is called.
SetWSSLcmdHandler (func)
SetWSSLcmdHandler replaces the current WSSLcmd interrupt handler
with an alternate handler. While Word Serial operations are enabled,
the WSSLcmd interrupt handler is called whenever a Longword Serial
command is received. A default handler, DefaultWSSLcmdHandler,
is supplied in source code as an example, and is automatically installed
when InitVXIlibrary initializes the NI-VXI software.
SetWSSrdHandler (func)
SetWSSrdHandler replaces the current WSSrd interrupt handler with
an alternate handler. When WSSrd reaches the specified count or an
END bit, or an error occurs, it calls the WSSrd interrupt handler with
the status of the call. A default handler, DefaultWSSrdHandler, is
automatically installed when InitVXIlibrary is called. The default
handler puts the status and read count in a global variable and flags the
operation complete.
SetWSSwrtHandler (func)
SetWSSwrtHandler replaces the current WSSwrt interrupt handler
with an alternate handler. When WSSwrt reaches the specified count or
an error occurs, it calls the WSSwrt interrupt handler with the status of
the call. The DOR bit will be cleared before WR is set on the last byte
of transfer. InitVXIlibrary automatically installs a default handler,
DefaultWSSwrtHandler, when it initializes the NI-VXI software.
The default handler puts the status and read count in a global variable
and flags the operation complete.