Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-7 NI 7831R User Manual
by the digital outputs use the
following equation:
Where j is the number of digital outputs being used to source current.
Power available at I/O connectors .........+4.50 to +5.25 VDC at 1 A total,
250m A per I/O connector pin
Dimensions (not including connectors)
NIPXI-7831R .................................16 cm b y 10 cm (6.3 in. b y 3.9 i n.)
NIPCI-7831R .................................17 cm by 11 cm (6. 7 in. by 4.3 in.)
I/O connectors........................................ Three 68-pin female high-density
VHDCI type
Maximum Working Voltage
Maximum working voltage refers to the signal voltage plus the
common-mode voltage.
Channel-to-earth.....................................±12 V, Installation Category I
Channel-to-channel................................ ±24 V, Installation Category I
The NI 7831R is intended for indoor use only.
Operating Environment
Using 40 MHz timebase.........................0 to 55 °C, tested in accordance
with IEC-60068-2-1 and
Using 80 MHz timebase.........................0 to 55 °C in all NI PXI chassis
except the following:
0 to 40 °C when installed in an
NIPXI-10 00/B or NI PXI-101X
current sourced on channel i