Register-Level Programming Chapter 4

PC-DIO-24 User Manual 4-4 © National Instruments Corporation

D2 D1 D0D5 D4 D3D7 D6
(high nibble)
1 = input
0 = output
Control Word
1 = mode set
00 = mode 0
01 = mode 1
1X = mode 2
Mode Selection
1 = input
0 = output
Port A
Port C
(low nibble)
1 = input
0 = output
Port C
0 = mode 0
1 = mode 1
Mode Selection
Group A Group B
Port B
1 = input
0 = output
D2 D1 D0XXD3D7 X
0 = bit set/reset
1 = set
0 = reset
Control Word
Bit Select
Bit Set/Reset

a. Mode Set Word Format

b. Bit Set/Reset Word Format

Figure 4-1. Control-Word Formats

Single Bit Set/Reset Feature

Table 4-2 shows the control words for setting or resetting each bit in port C. Notice that bit 7 of

the control word is cleared when programming the set/reset option for the bits of port C.