NI PXI-1045 Power Supply Shuttle User Guide 6
Maximum ripple and noise (20 MHz bandwidth)
Over-current protection..........................All outputs protected from short
circuit and overload with
automatic recovery when the
short or overload is removed.
Over-voltage protection1
3.3 V................................................140 to 150% above nominal
output voltage
5 V, +12 V, –12 V...........................120 to 130% above nominal
output voltage
Power supply shuttle MTTR...........Replacement in under 5 minutes
Volt age Maximum Ripple and Noise
+3.3 V 50 mVpp
+12 V 120 mVpp
+5 V 50 mVpp
–12 V 120 mVpp
1 To reset over-voltage protection, remove the MAINS for 30 seconds and then power up.