AppendixC CablingRequirements for PXI-8461 High-Speed CAN
©NationalInstruments Corporation C-3 PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT
FigureC-3. PXI-8461Part Locator Diagram
Connectingpin s1 and 2 of a ju mper configuresthe CAN p hysicallay er to
bepowered externally (from the bus cable power). In this configuration, the
powermust be supplied on the V+ and V–pins onthe port connector.
Connectingpin s2 and 3 of a ju mper configuresthe CAN p hysicallay er to
bepowered internally (from the board). In this configuration, the V–signal
servesas the reference ground for t he isolated signals.
1 Power Supply Jumper J6
2 Power Supply Jumper J5
3 Assembly Number
4 Product Name
5 Serial Number
3 4