User's Manual U12326EJ4V0UM
4.1.2 Description of “operation” column
A: A register; 8-bit accumulator
X: X register
B: B register
C: C register
D: D register
E: E register
H: H register
L: L register
AX: AX register pair; 16-bit accumulator
BC: BC register pair
DE: DE register pair
HL: HL register pair
PC: Program counter
SP: Stack pointer
PSW: Program status word
CY: Carry flag
AC: Auxiliary carry flag
Z: Zero flag
RBS: Register bank select flag
IE: Interrupt request enable flag
NMIS: Flag indicating non-maskable interrupt servicing in progress
( ): Memory contents indicated by address or register contents in parentheses
XH, XL: Higher 8 bits and lower 8 bits of 16-bit register
: Logical product (AND)
V: Logical sum (OR)
V: Exclusive logical sum (exclusive OR)
—: Inverted data
addr16: 16-bit immediate data or label
jdisp8: Signed 8-bit data (displacement value)
4.1.3 Description of “flag operation” column
(Blank): Unchanged
0: Cleared to 0
1: Set to 1
×: Set/cleared according to the result
R: Previously saved value is restored