E – 63
Cable Connection
Communication Protocol
Baud rate: 38400 bps
Data length: 8 bits
Parity: No parity
Stop bit: One bit
X on/off: None
Communications Full duplex
To GND of PC
NOTE: Pins 1, 4, 6 and 9 are used inside the projector.
PC Control Codes
Function Code Data
POWER ON 02H 00H 00H 00H 00H 02H
POWER OFF 02H 01H 00H 00H 00H 03H
INPUT SELECT RGB 1 02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 01H 09H
INPUT SELECT RGB 2 02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 02H 0AH
INPUT SELECT VIDEO 1 02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 06H 0EH
INPUT SELECT VIDEO 2 02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 07H 0FH
INPUT SELECT S-VIDEO 02H 03H 00H 00H 02H 01H 0BH 13H
PICTURE MUTE ON 02H 10H 00H 00H 00H 12H
PICTURE MUTE OFF 02H 11H 00H 00H 00H 13H
SOUND MUTE ON 02H 12H 00H 00H 00H 14H
SOUND MUTE OFF 02H 13H 00H 00H 00H 15H
ON SCREEN MUTE ON 02H 14H 00H 00H 00H 16H
ON SCREEN MUTE OFF 02H 15H 00H 00H 00H 17H
NOTE: Contact your local dealer for a full list of the PC Control Codes if needed.
67 98
To RxD of PC
To TxD of PC
To RTS of PC
To CTS of PC
Gravity Stack
Up to two units can be gravity stacked without external support. In some cases, however, two images will not align on the
screen correctly. This will become more apparent when displaying small text and detailed graphics.
1. Note : Gravity Stacking Two GT2150 Projectors
The optional lenses for GT2150 have different geometrical distortions in wide zoom and tele. Select the best zoom position for
stacking where the geometrical distortion is as small as possible. The recommended throw distances are as follows:
• Lens position
Horizontal lens position must be as close to the center of the lens opening as possible.
2. Note: Gravity Stacking in link mode
A distribution amplifier is recommended for Gravity stacking in link mode to distribute one input source to two projectors.
3. Note: Gravity stacking in link mode without a distribution amplifier
In this configuration, horizontal position of each projector will need to be adjusted before enabling Link mode. This adjustment will
prevent image alignment.
Screen Size Throw Distance
(Diagonal) GT19ZL GT13ZL GT34ZL
m inch m inch m inch
40" 1.7 66.9 1.0 39.4 - -
60" 2.6 102.4 1.6 63.0 - -
80" 3.5 137.8 2.1 82.7 6.7 263.8
100" 4.4 173.2 2.7 106.3 8.4 330.7
120" 5.3 208.7 3.2 126.0 10.1 397.6
150" 6.7 263.8 4.0 157.5 12.6 496.1
200" 8.9 350.4 5.4 212.6 16.8 661.4
240" 10.7 421.3 6.4 252.0 20.2 795.3
300" 13.4 527.6 8.1 318.9 25.2 992.1
350" - - - - 29.4 1157.5
400" - - - - 33.6 1322.8
450" - - - - 37.8 1488.2
500" - - - - 42.0 1653.5
NOTE:: Jumper “Request to Send” and “Clear to Send” together on both ends
of the cable to simplify cable connection.