Providing visual display solutions to a wide variety of
users for many years,NEC LCD monitors have set the
standard for flat-panel technology and continue to
offer new ways to enhance visual experiences.Our
visual solutions provide users with a diverse range
of options to help them see their digital world more
clearly and support them in achieving their goals.
Building on this tradition of quality and innovation,
NEC’s new 30" (29.5" viewable image size)LCD3000
features the latest in advanced LCD technologies
and creates a new option for those in the informa-
tion display market.As one of the largest screen
size LCD displays commercially available,this model
carries with it all of the benefits users have come
to value in NEC’s smaller-sized LCD displays.These
benefits now can be enjoyed in a variety of infor-
mation display applications,including conference
rooms,public information kiosks, retail signage,
financial exchanges,airports and trade show
exhibits.The LCD3000’s screen performance br ings
ideas to life,capturing the attention and imagina-
tion of viewers and ensuring that messages reach
audiences with maximum clarity and impact.
Sized to please.Filling the gap between flat
panels designed for the desktop and those
intended for larger venues,this monitor offers
the information display market another option
for a variety of visual display needs.It also fills
the void left by larger-sized CRT monitors,which
are no longer widely available.
Superior screen performance. The LCD3000 takes
advantage of the many display technologies that
have made LCD monitors so popular over the years
and delivers them through an expansive screen fea-
turing a wide aspect ratio.The monitor ’s 1280 x 768
(WXGA)resolution optimizes on-screen text, images
and video with remarkable precision and clarity,
allowing onlookers to clearly view presentations,
charts,adver tisements, pricing and other public
display information.Further,these applic ations can
be viewed simultaneously utilizing the display's
picture-in-picture capability when using the defined
combination of video inputs (see User’s Manual).
With some screen technologies,leaving the
display on for a long period of time would perma-
nently burn the image into the screen.As can
be noted with phosphor-based public displays,
the image would remain permanently “engraved”
into the display,rendering it useless. Since this
display does not use phosphors in its construc-
tion,the potential for permanent burn-in is
significantly decreased,thereby contributing
to optimal screen performance and a longer
life for the monitor.
In applications where spectators are situated
at various angles in front of the screen or where
they are passing by the display,the LCD3000
provides an undistorted view of the screen.
Using XtraView wide-angle viewing technology,
this monitor provides flexible 170°horizontal
and vertical viewing angles (85°up, down,left and
right)with less glare, reflection and distortion.
With a brightness of 450 cd/m2,this display
stands out in the crowd,allowing onlookers to
view text and graphics with ease and comfort.
A 350:1 typical contrast ratio helps the monitor
deliver amazingly vivid colors and supports
Expanding information display options with
superiorscreen performance.
The LCD3000 features a
number of input connections
for maximum compatibility.
This makes it possible to
upgrade adapters or software
without having to purchase
a new display.
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