No image is displayed from your PC or video equipment to the
Still no image even though yo u connect the proje ctor to the
PC fi rst, then start the PC.
Enabling your notebook PC ’s signal output to th e projector.
A comb ination of functio n keys will enable/di sable the
external display. Usually, the combinatio n of the “Fn” key
along with one of the 12 function keys turns the external
display on or off.
No image (blue background, b lack background).
Still no image even though yo u press the AUTO ADJ. but-
Still no imag e even though yo u carry out [Re set] in the
projector’s menu.
Signal cable's plug is fully i nserted into t he input connect or.
A message appears on th e screen.
( ________________________________________________ )
The source connecte d to the projector is activ e and avail-
Still no image even though yo u adjust the brightnes s and/
or the contrast.
Input source's resolution a nd frequency are suppor ted by
the projector.
Image is too dark.
Remains unchanged even t hough you adjust the bri ghtness
and/or the contrast .
Image is distorted.
Image appears to be trap ezoidal (unchanged even thou gh
you carry out the [Keys tone] adjustment).
No power (POWER indicat or does not light gree n)
See also “Status Ind icator (STATUS)”.
Power cable's plug is fully ins erted into the wa ll outlet.
The power cable has been u nplugged and plugged quic kly
during projection.
Lamp cover is installe d correctly.
The two screws on the la mp housing are completel y tight-
The cooling pump is insta lled correctl y.
Lamp Hour Used (lamp oper ation hours) was cleare d after
lamp replacement.
No power even though you pres s and hold the POWER but -
ton for a minimum of 1 second.
7. Ap pen dix
Troubleshooting Check List
Before contacting your dealer or service personnel, c heck the following list to be sure repairs are needed also by
referring to the “Troubleshooting” section in your user’s manual. This che cklist below will help us solve your prob-
lem more ef ciently.
* Print this page and the next page for your check.
Frequency of occurr ence always somet imes (H ow oft en? ___________________ ) other (____________________ )
Shut down during operat ion.
Power cable's plug is fully ins erted into the wa ll outlet.
Lamp cover is installe d correctly .
Power Mana gement is turn ed off (only mo dels with the
Power Management function).
Off Timer i s turned off (on ly models wit h the Off Timer
function ).
Parts of the image are l ost.
Still unchanged even th ough you press the AUT O ADJ. but-
Still unchanged even t hough you carry out [Reset] in t he
projector’s menu.
Image is shifted in the ve rtical or horiz ontal directi on.
Horizontal and ver tical positions are co rrectly adjusted on
a computer signal.
Input source's resolution a nd frequency are suppor ted by
the projector.
Some pixels are lost.
Image is fl ickering.
Still unchanged even th ough you press the AUT O ADJ. but-
Still unchanged even t hough you carry out [Reset] in t he
projector’s menu.
Image shows fl ickering or color drift on a compu ter signal.
Image appears blurr y or out of focus.
Auto Focus is turned on.
There are no objection s between the focus se nsor and the
The throw distance is w ithin 1.5 to 5.5 m/57.1” to 216.5”.
Image is projected onto t he screen.
Still unchanged even th ough you adjusted the fo cus manu-
Remote control does not w ork.
No obstacles betw een the sensor of the projec tor and the
remote control.
Projector is placed ne ar a fl uorescent light that can disturb
the infrared remote c ontrols.
Batteries are new an d are not reversed i n installation .
Buttons on t he projector ca binet do not wor k ( only models
with the Key Lock funct ion).
Control Panel Loc k is not turned on or is disabl ed in the
Still unchanged even th ough you press and hold the EX IT
button for a minimum of 10 seco nds.