108 User’s Manual U15331EJ4V1UD
6.1 16-Bit Timer 20 Functions
16-bit timer 20 has the following functions.
• Timer interrupt
• Timer output
• Count value capture
(1) Timer interrupt
An interrupt is generated when a count value and compare value match.
(2) Timer output
Timer output can be controlled when a count value and compare value match.
(3) Count value capture
The count value of 16-bit timer counter 20 (TM20) is latched into a capture register in synchronization with
the capture trigger and retained.
6.2 16-Bit Timer 20 Configuration
16-bit timer 20 includes the following hardware.
Table 6-1. 16-Bit Timer 20 Configuration
Item Configuration
Timer counters 16 bits × 1 (TM20)
Registers Compare register: 16 bits × 1 (CR20)
Capture register: 16 bits × 1 (TCP20)
Timer outputs 1 (TO20)
Control registers 16-bit timer mode control register 20 (TMC20)
Port mode register 3 (PM3)
Port 3 (P3)