30 User’s Manual U15331EJ4V1UD
Notes 1. Whether to use these pins as input port pins (P70 to P73) or segment outputs (S16 to S19) can be
selected in 1-bit units by means of a mask option or port function register (refer to 4.3 (3) Port function
registers and CHAPTER 20 MASK OPTIONS).
2. Whether to use these pins as I/O port pins (P80 to P87) or segment outputs (S20 to S27) can be
selected in 1-bit units by means of a mask option or port function register (refer to 4.3 (3) Port function
registers and CHAPTER 20 MASK OPTIONS).
Cautions 1. Connect the IC (Internally Connected) pin directly to VSS.
2. Connect the AVDD pin to VDD.
3. Connect the AVSS pin to VSS.
Remark The parenthesized values apply to the
Pin Name
ANI0 to ANI7: Analog input
ASCK20: Asynchronous serial input
AVDD: Analog power supply
AVSS: Analog ground
CAPH, CAPL: LCD power supply capacitance
COM0 to COM3: Common output
CPT20: Capture trigger input
IC0: Internally connected
INTP0 to INTP3: External interrupt input
KR0 to KR7: Key return
KR00 to KR07: Key return
KR10 to KR17: Key return
P00 to P07: Port 0
P10, P11: Port 1
P20 to P25: Port 2
P30 to P34: Port 3
P60 to P67: Port 6
P70 to P73: Port 7
P80 to P87: Port 8
RESET: Reset
RIN: Remote control input
RxD0: Receive data
S0 to S27: Segment output
SCK10: Serial clock input/output
SI10: Serial data input
SO10: Serial data output
SCK20: Serial block input/output
SI20: Serial data input
SO20: Serial data output
TMI60, 61: Timer input
TO20,50,60,61: Timer output
TxD0: Transmit data
VDD: Power supply
VLC0 to VLC2: Power supply for LCD
VPP: Programming power supply
VSS: Ground
X1, X2: Crystal (Main system clock)
XT1, XT2: Crystal (Subsystem clock)