74 User’s Manual U15331EJ4V1UD
3.4.6 Based addressing
8-bit immediate data is added to the contents of the base register, that is, the HL register pair, and the sum is
used to address the memory. Addition is performed by expanding the offset data as a positive number to 16
bits. A carry from the 16th bit is ignored. This addressing can be carried out for all the memory spaces.
[Operand format]
Identifier Description
− [HL+byte]
[Description example]
MOV A, [HL+10H]; When setting byte to 10H
Instruction code 0 0 1 01101
3.4.7 Stack addressing
The stack area is indirectly addressed with the stack pointer (SP) contents.
This addressing method is automatically employed when the PUSH, POP, subroutine call, and return
instructions are executed or the register is saved/restored upon generation of an interrupt request.
Only the internal high-speed RAM area can be addressed using stack addressing.
[Description example]
In the case of PUSH DE
Instruction code 10101010