Edit Mode (Cont'd)
Function: Keystroke:
Move cursor to the
previous port
Move cursor to the
next port
When finished making changes in Edit Mode, press <Esc> and a prompt will appear to press either <Y> to save the changes or
<N> to continue making changes without saving the changes just made.
Change Settings
To enter the Change Settings menu (see Fig. 11) press <Ctrl>+<T> from the Command Mode menu.
The list below describes the Change Settings menu functions available from the keyboard:
Function: Keystroke:
Go to Broadcast Mode Configuration
Go to Scan Mode Configuration
Go to Language Selection Menu
(Option only available if the
administrator is logged in)
Change the scan dwell time period
Configure ports for MAC or non-
MAC CPUs (Administrator only)
Figure 11- Change Setting menu
Exit from Change Settings
Return to Command Mode
When the <T> is pressed, an edit field showing the actual value of the scan dwell time is displayed at the bottom of the Change
Settings menu. The user can introduce a new value for scan dwell time and press <Enter> to save it or <Esc> to exit. Any value
between 002 and 255 (seconds) is acceptable.
NOTE: If a change has been made, using the up or
down arrow will also prompt the user to save any