3. To reply to an e-mail, select Reply > Original text or
Empty message. To reply to many, select Options >
Reply to all. Confirm or edit the e-mail address and
subject; then write your reply.
4. To send the message, select Send > Send now.
5. To disconnect from your e-mail account, select Menu >
Messaging > E-mail > Disconnect. The connection
to the e-mail account also automatically ends after
some time without activity.

Spam filter

The spam filter allows you to put specific senders on a black
or white list. Black list sender messages are filtered to
Junk. Unknown and white list sender messages are
downloaded into the account inbox.
To activate and define a spam filter, select Options >
Spam filter > Settings in the main e-mail idle screen.
To blacklist a sender, select the e-mail message in the
Inboxes folder and Options > Blacklist sender.
Flash messages
Flash messages are text messages that are instantly
displayed upon reception.
1. To write a flash message, select Menu > Messaging >
Create message > Flash message.
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