Text entry

Punctuation and special characters

While at any text entry screen, press * to display special characters (press and
hold * if predictive text is on). Press * again to cycle through all available
characters. Scroll to navigate through the list of special characters. Once a
character is highlighted, select Insert to insert the character into your message.
Predictive text mode
Predictive text input allows you to write messages quickly using your keypad and
the built-in dictionary. It is much faster than the standard mode me thod, because
for each letter, you only press the corres ponding key on your ke ypad once.

Activate and deactivate

At any text entry screen, select and hold Options to turn predictive text on or off
depending on previous mode; or, select Options > Dictionary on or Dictionary off.
Press # twice to change from predictive text mode to standard mode and back.

Enter text

The illustration below simulates your display each time a key is pressed. For
example, to write Nokia with predictive text on and with the English dictionary
selected, press each of the following keys once:
Press 0 to enter a space and begin writing the next word.
If a displayed word is not correct, press * to see other matches. To return to
the previous word in the list of matches, select Previous.
If ? appears after a word, it is not in the dictionary. Select Spell to add the
word to the dictionary.
Press 1 to insert a period into your message.
Press and hold * to display special characters. Press * again to cycle through
all available characters.
Press and hold the specific number key to enter a number.
Press and hold # to bring up the Editor settings me nu list of Number mode,
Dictionary on or Dictionary off, and Writing language.