Callback requests

Send a callback request

If you make a one-to-one call and do not get a response, you can send a callback request from following lists:
Menu > Contacts > Names
Menu > Push to talk > Callback inbox, Channel list, or Contacts list
Select a contact, a member, or a nickname and Options > Send PTT callback.

Respond to a callback request

When someone sends you a callback request, Callback request received is displayed in the standby mode. To open the Callback
inbox, select View. The list of nicknames of the persons who have sent you callback requests is shown. To make a one-to-one
call, select the desired request, and press and hold the PTT (volume up) key.

Add a one-to-one contact

You can save the names of persons to whom you often make one-to-one calls in the following ways:
To add a PTT address to a name in Contacts, search for the desired contact, and select Details > Options > Add detail > PTT
address. A contact appears in the PTT contact list only if you enter a PTT address.
To add a contact to the PTT contacts list, select Menu > Push to talk > Contacts list > Options > Add contact.
To add a contact from the channel list, connect to the PTT service, select Channel list, and scroll to the desired channel. Select
Members, scroll to the member whose contact information you want to save, and select Options.
To add a new contact, select Save as. To add a PTT address to a name in Contacts, select Add to contact.

PTT settings

Select Menu > Push to talk > PTT settings and from the following options:
1 to 1 calls — Select On to allow the reception of incoming one-to-one calls. To set the device to first notify you of incoming
one-to-one calls with a ringing tone, select Notify.
PTT key def. function — to set the PTT (volume up) key to one of the following functions: Open contact list, Open channel
list, or Call contact or group. Select a contact, a group, or Call PTT channel; and select a channel. When you press and hold
the PTT (volume up) key, the selected function is performed.
Show my login status — to enable or disable the sending of the login status
PTT status in startup — Select Yes or Ask first to automatically connect to the PTT service when you switch the device on.
PTT when abroad — to switch the PTT service on or off when the device is used outside of the home network
Send my PTT address — Select No to hide your PTT address from channel and one-to-one calls.

Configuration settings

You may receive the settings for connecting to the service from your service provider. See "Configuration setting service," p. 7.
You can also enter the settings manually. See "Configuration," p. 27.
To select the settings for connecting to the service, select Menu > Push to talk > Configur. sett..
15. Organizer

Alarm clock

To set the device to sound an alarm at a desired time, select Menu > Organiser > Alarm clock.

Set the alarm

To set the alarm, select Alarm time, and enter the alarm time.
To change the alarm time when the alarm time is set, select On.
To set the device to alert you on selected days of the week, select Repeat alarm.
To select the alarm tone or set the radio as the alarm tone, select Alarm tone. If you select the radio as an alarm tone, connect
the headset to the device.
To set a snooze time-out, select Snooze time-out and the time.
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