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Menu functions
Viewing and erasing times
Press Menu, select Extras, and Stopwatch.
If the stopwatch is not reset, you can select Show last to view the latest measured time. Select View
times. and a list of names or final times of the time sets is shown, select the time set you want to view.
To delete the saved times, press Options and select Erase times. Select All at once and press OK, or
select One by one and scroll to the times you want to delete. Press Erase and press OK.
WalletIn Wallet you can store personal information, such as notes and virtual cards (for example credit or
loyalty card information). You can also enter a WAP store and pay for your purchases with the wallet.
When you try to access wallet for the first time, you need to create your own wallet code at the prompt
Create wallet code:. Key in and accept the wallet code, which can be 4-10 characters long and confirm
it at the prompt Verify wallet code: If the verification succeeds, the phone displays Wallet code created.
Note that there is no limit to the number of times you can key in the code verification. If you key in a
wrong wallet code several times, the wallet application is blocked for five minutes.
If you want to reset the content of the wallet and the wallet code, key in *#3925538# in idle mode.
You need to enter the phones security code before the contents and the wallet code are erased. Note
that all the wallet contents will be erased.
Press Menu, select Extras, and Wallet. The phone displays Enter wallet code: After you have keyed in
the correct code and confirmed it, you can select Cards, Personal notes or Settings