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To add, substract, multiply, divide, calculate square roots
and percentages, press , and select Office>
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is
designed for simple calculations.
To save a number in the memory (indicated by M), select
Options> Memory > Save. To retrieve a number in
memory, select Options> Memory > Recall. To clear a
number in memory, select Options> Memory > Clear.

Calculate percentages

1Enter a number for which you want to calculate a
2Select , , , or .
3Enter the percentage.
4Select .


To convert measures such as Length from one unit (Yards)
to another (Metres), press , and select Office>
Note that Converter has limited accuracy, and rounding
errors may occur.
1Scroll to the Type field, and press the joystick to open
a list of measures. Scroll to the measure you want to
use, and select OK.
2Scroll to the first Unit field, and press the joystick.
Select the unit from which you want to convert and
OK. Scroll to the next Unit field, and select the unit to
which you want to convert.
3Scroll to the first Amount field, and enter the value you
want to convert. The other Amount field changes
automatically to show the converted value.
Press to add a decimal and for the +, - (for
temperature), and E (exponent) symbols.
Tip! To change the conversion order, enter the
value in the second Amount field. The result is
shown in the first Amount field.