C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1 99
This command supports INS (Inertial Navigation System) integration. It accepts ECEF XYZ velocity values in units
of meters per second (m/s). This information is only used by the tracking loops of the receiver to aid in reacquisition
of satellites after loss of lock, otherwise it is ignored. It is not used in the position solution and veloci ty calculations.
This command is only useful for very high dynamics where expected velocity changes during the signal blockage
of more than 100 meters per second can occur. See Figure D-2 for ECEF definitions. The UNFIX command is used
to clear the effects of the FIX VELOCITY command. The FIX VELOCITY command will override any previous FIX
HEIGHT or FIX POSITION command. Use the UNFIX command to disable the current FIX command.
fix velocity 315,212,150
Syntax Range Value Description Default Example
FIX VELOCITY -Command unfix fix velocity
vx ±999.99 X = Antenna Velocity (ECEF) in the X direction [m/s]. 315
vy ±999.99 Y = Antenna Velocity (ECEF) in the Y direction [m/s]. 212
vz ±999.99 Z = Antenna Velocity (ECEF) in the Z direction [m/s]. 150