Getting to know your camera better
There are two ways to record the pictures you take with this camera.
Recording pictures to the internal memory
• Pictures are recorded to the internal memory, and when the number of storable still
pictures reaches 0, you connect the camera to a computer to download the pictures; and
then erase the pictures from the internal memory.
Using a card (xD-Picture Card) (optional)
• Pictures are recorded to the card when inserted in the camera. When the card is full, you
download the pictures to a computer and then either erase the pictures from the card or
use a new card.
• Pictures are not recorded to the internal memory when a card is inserted in the camera.
Pictures in the internal memory can be copied to the card using the [BACKUP] function.
g“BACKUP Copying pictures in the internal memory to the card” (P.27)
“The card” (P.48)
Number of storable still pictures and recording length of movies
Still pictures
Additional shooting tips and information
Increasing the number of pictures that can be taken
Number of storable still pictures
Internal memory Using a 1GB card
With sound Without
sound With sound Without
G3264× 2448
L4 4 221 223
M7 8 429 438
H2560× 1920 L6 6 353 359
M12 12 673 695
I2048× 1536
L10 10 566 576
M20 21 1,102 1,142
J1600× 1200
L16 17 913 940
M32 34 1,728 1,881
K1280× 960 L25 26 1,390 1,453
M47 53 2,558 2,907
C640× 480
L84 107 4,568 5,814
M148 197 7,995 10,660
D1920× 1080
L15 16 841 876
M30 32 1,640 1,728
Continuous recording length
Internal memory Using a 1 GB card
With sound Without
sound With sound Without
C640× 480 21 sec. 22 sec.
17 min. 48sec. 18 min. 11sec.
E320× 240 58 sec. 1 min. 1 sec. 29 min. 29 min.