Remember, to use your Cinema 5to operate your
Receiver/Tuner, press the RCVR key first.
Setup Codes For Receivers/Tuners
ADC 0531
Akai 0076
Aiwa 0121, 0158, 0189, 0405
Bang & Olufsen 0898
Capetronic 0531
Carver 0008, 0042, 0189, 0360
Casio 0195
Clarinette 0195
Curtis Mathes 0039, 0080
Denon 0004
Fisher 0042, 0360
Garrard 0463
Harman/Kardon 0110, 0891, 0189
JBL 0110
JVC 0074
Kenwood 0027, 0313, 0314, 0186, 0042
Linn 0189
Lloyd’s 0195
LXI 0181
Magnavox 0189, 0195, 0531, 0391
Marantz 0039, 0189
MCS 0039
Modulaire 0195
NAD 0320
Nakamichi 0097
Onkyo 0135, 0380
Optimus 0042, 0080, 0181, 0186, 0531, 0670,
0738, 0801
Panasonic 0039, 0309, 0518
Penney 0195
Philips 0189
Pioneer 0014*, 0080*, 0150, 0531, 0630, 1023
Quasar 0039
RCA 0054, 0360, 0531, 0530
Realistic 0181, 0195
Sansui 0189
Scott 0322
Sharp 0186
Sherwood 0491, 0502
Sony 0158**, 0474
Soundesign 0670
TEAC 0463
Technics 0039, 0309, 0518
Victor 0074
Wards 0014, 0042, 0054, 0080, 0158, 0189
Yamaha 0176, 0186
Yorx 0195
Zenith 0857
*May use Amplifier code 0013 for power and volume.See
page 21 for amplifier setup and codes.
**May use Misc.Audio code 0159 to operate surround and
tuner presets.See page 24 for misc. audio setup and codes.
If your TV, VCR or Cable Converter does not respond to the
Cinema 5after tr ying all of the codes listed for your brand, or if
your brand is not listed at all, try searching for your code.For
example, after trying all of the codes for your TV, you still can-
not get the Cinema 5to operate your TV, then:
1. Turn on your TV.
2. Press TV and release.Press and hold SETUP until
the Cinema 5’s red light blinks twice, then release
3. Press 9- 9- 1.
4. Slowly alternate between pressingPOWER* and
TV until your TV turns OFF.Make sure that the
Cinema 5is aimed at your TV during the search.
You may have to press this sequence of buttons
(POWER* then TV) up to 100 times to search the
entire library of codes.
5. When your TV turns OFF, press and release
SETUP to lock in the code for your TV.Your
Cinema 5is now programmed to operate your TV.
*If you are searching for your VCR, CD, LD or DVD Player
code, you may want to play a tape or disk and use the STOP
key instead of the POWER key to search for your code.
When your VCR stops, press SETUP to lock in your code.
NOTE:To search for the codes of your other components,
repeat Steps 1 through 5, only substitute the appropriate
device key (ie., VCR, DVD/LD, RCVR, CD or CBL/SAT) for
the component you are searching for.
Cinema 5
If you have set up the Cinema 5using the “SEARCHING
FOR YOUR CODE”procedure, you may want to figure out
which four-digit code is operating your equipment.Use this
procedure after you have set up your components to find out
which four-digit code is operating your equipment.For exam-
ple, to find out which code is operating your TV after setting
up your TV using the “SEARCHING FOR YOUR CODE”
1. Press TV and release.Press and hold SETUP until
the Cinema 5’s red light blinks twice, then release
2. Press 9 - 9 - 0.
3. For the first digit of your four-digit code, press 1
and count the number of times the red light (LED)
blinks on the Cinema 5.If the light does not blink
when you press the number 1, the digit is zero.
4. For the second digit, press 2 and count the num-
ber of times the red light (LED) blinks on the
Cinema 5.If the light does not blink when you
press the number 2, the digit is zero.
5. For the third digit, press 3and count the number
of times the red light (LED) blinks on the Cinema
5.If the light does not blink when you press the
number 3, the digit is zero.
6. For the fourth and final digit, press 4 and count the
number of times the red light (LED) blinks on the
Cinema 5.If the light does not blink when you
press the number 4, the digit is zero.Now you
have your four-digit code.
NOTE:To find out the code for your other components,
repeat Steps 1 through 6, only substitute the appropriate
device key (VCR, DVD/LD, RCVR, CDor CBL/SAT) for the
component code you wish to learn.
The 1L, 2L, 3L and 4L keys can be used to customize those
functions that are unique to your home entertainment needs.
For example, the Cinema 5does not offerTracking Upor
Downfor a VCR. With the learning feature on the Cinema 5,
you can add these functions and many others learned from
your original remote control.