Chapter 5 Page 59
Chapter 5
Common Tasks
In addition to the wireless communication applications, your Treo™ 180 communicator also
includes a full suite of personal information manager (PIM) applications: Date Book Plus, the
Contacts view in PhoneBook, To Do List, Memo Pad, and Expense. This chapter provides
instructions on how to do tasks that are common to several applications. It’s easy to transfer what
you learn in one application to the other applications because the structure and behavior of all
these applications are quite similar.
Throughout this chapter, the term “record” is used to refer to an individual item in any of the PIM
applications: a single Date Book Plus event, Contacts entry in PhoneBook, To Do List item, Memo
Pad memo, or Expense item.
Creating records
You can use the following procedure to create a new record in Date Book Plus, the Contacts view
in PhoneBook, To Do List, Memo Pad, and Expense.
To create a record:
1.Open the application in which you want to create a record.
2.Do one of the following:
Start entering data (your communicator automatically creates a new record).
Tip: To create another new record, press the bottom scroll button and begin entering data.
In Date Book Plus and Contacts view in PhoneBook only: Press Menu and under
Record, select New… (/N).
Tap New.
3.In Date Book Plus only: Select start and end times for your event, and then hold Option
and press Return .
4.Enter text for the record.
Note: You do not have to press Shift to capitalize the first letter of the field. Your
communicator automatically capitalizes the first letter of each field (except numeric
and e-mail fields).
5.Use the scroll buttons, roll the rocker switch or tap a field directly to move between fields.
6.(Optional) Tap Details to select attributes for the record.
7.In Contacts view in PhoneBook only: Hold Option and press Return to finish.
There’s no need to save the record because your communicator saves it automatically.