Chapter 6 Page 85
Using the Dial Pad view
The Dial Pad view provides access to a more traditional phone interface. You can use this view
to dial numbers that are not in your Speed Dial or Contacts list.
To dial a number with the Dial Pad:
1. Make sure wireless mode is on. See page 18 for details.
2. Press PhoneBook to access the Dial Pad view .
3. Enter the number you want to dial. If you are dialing an international number, enter a + before
the country code and phone number to automatically insert the prefix for international calls.
Tip: You don’t need to press before entering the number.
Tip: To display the last ten numbers dialed, press the scroll buttons or roll the rocker
switch and then press the rocker switch to dial the selected number.
4. Press Space to dial.
5. Close the lid to end the call.
Using the Contacts view
The Contacts view is where you store name and address information about people, businesses,
and more.
Creating a Contacts entry
You can create Contacts entries on your communicator, or you can use your desktop software to
create entries on your computer and then download the entries to your communicator with your
next HotSync operation.
Many desktop software applications also have data import capabilities that enable you to load
database files into your Contacts list on your communicator. See the section that begins on page
34 and the online Help for your desktop software for more information.
CLR deletes entire entry
Backspace erases last digit
Digits enter
numbers in
dial box Send dials number in dial box
Dial box
Phone Tips displays helpful
PhoneBook hints