Chapter 6 Page 95
Forwarding calls
If you need to turn off the wireless mode or know you will be traveling outside a coverage a rea,
you can forward your calls to another number. Keep in mind that your wireless service provider
will still charge you for your forwarded calls.
Note: Because call forwarding information is stored by the network, it’s a good idea to check
the current network settings both before and after you change the call forwarding option.
To forward calls to another number:
1. From the Speed Dial, Dial Pad, or Call History view, press Menu .
2. Under Options, select Call Preferences (/A).
3. Select the call forwarding option you want to use.
Tip: You can define multiple forwarding numbers. Select Edit numbers from the list to add,
change, or delete a number. You can also configure your communicator to forward calls
only in special situations, such as when you are busy or outside a coverage a rea. See
Appendix E for details.
4. Hold Option and press Return to finish.
Other ways to make a call
In addition to using the Speed Dial, Contacts, Dial Pad, and Call History views, you ca n also place
calls in the following ways:
Redialing the last number
Returning a missed call
Dialing an emergency number
Redialing the last number
You can redial the last number you called.
To redial the last number, do one of the following:
Press and hold PhoneBook for at least one second.
Press and hold the rocker switch.
Tap here to forward
all calls to a
specific number
Tap here to
display current
network settings