Parts and Their Functions
HFF button
This button is pressed to fast forward the tape. The playback pictures can be monitored when the TAPE/EE switch M is set to TAPE.
Pressing the FF button while in the search mode (search still, reverse search, reverse search still, forward search still) causes operation to switch to forward search, and fast forward playback occurs at the speed selected using setting No. 100 on the setup menu. (See pages 15 and 30.)
Pressing the FF button while in the slow mode (slow still, reverse slow, reverse slow still) causes operation to switch to forward linear 0.3a playback. (See page 16.)
Noise will appear during linear 0.3a playback: this is normal and not indicative of malfunctioning.
ISEARCH button
This button is pressed to switch to the search mode or the slow mode. (See pages 15 and 16.)
JPLAY button
This button is pressed to commence playback. Recording is commenced when it is pressed together with the REC button.
When this button is pressed during recording, the tape is temporarily stopped.
Recording is resumed when it is pressed again. When this button is pressed during playback, the still picture mode is established. Playback is resumed when it is pressed again.
Pressing the PAUSE/STILL button during forward or reverse search operation causes the tape to pause (forward or reverse search still). Pressing the button a second time causes forward or reverse search operation to resume.
Pressing the PAUSE/STILL button during forward or reverse slow operation causes the tape to pause (forward or reverse slow still). Pressing the button a second time causes forward or reverse slow operation to resume.
Linear 0.3a playback takes place during forward or reverse slow operation. Noise will appear during still and linear 0.3a playback: this is normal and not indicative of malfunctioning. (See page 16.)
LREC button
Recording is commenced when this button is pressed together with the PLAY button. When it is pressed in the stop or eject mode, the input video signals and audio signals can be monitored even when the TAPE/EE switch is set to TAPE.
It is also possible to use the button to check the time code generator’s value. (REC CHECK mode) When the STOP button or any other function button is pressed, the REC CHECK mode will be released.
MTAPE/EE switch
This switch is used to select the signals to be output in the stop, fast forward or rewind mode.
TAPE: The signals which are played back from the tape are output.
EE:The input signals which were selected by the INPUT SELECT button are output.
OWhen REC has been set for setup menu item No.105, the
OThe picture and sound may break up when the position of the switch is changed.
This button is used to switch the counter display
area. Each time it is pressed, the setting is changed in the following sequence: CTL TC UB r CTL, etc.
CTL: The tape timer (control signal) appears on the display.
TC: The time code appears on the display.
UB: The user bit appears on the display.
r:The amount of tape remaining is displayed in
“r102” = 102 minutes of tape are remaining.
ORESET button
When this button is pressed in the CTL mode, the counter display is reset to 00:00:00:00.
This button is used to allow or inhibit recording onto the cassette tape.
ON: Recording on the cassette tape is inhibited. The REC INHIBIT lamp on the display lights.
OFF: Provided that the accidental erasure prevention mechanism on the cassette tape is set to the recording enable position, a recording can be made on the cassette tape.