Advanced (Recording pictures)
∫Canceling the travel date
The travel date is autom atically canceled if the current date is afte r the return date. If you
want to cancel th e travel date b efore the end of the vacation, se lect [OFF] on the screen
shown in step 3 or 7 and then press [ME NU/SET] twice. If the [TRAVEL SETUP] is set to
[OFF] in step 3, [LOCATION] w ill be also set to [OFF] .
•The travel date is calculated using the dat e in the clock setting and the departure date you set.
If you set [WORLD TIME] (P56 ) to the travel destination, the trav el date is calculated using the
date in the clock setting and the tra ve l destination setting.
•The travel date setting is memori z ed even if the camera is turned off.
•If [TRAVEL DATE] is set to [OFF], the number of da ys that have passed since the departu re
date will not be recorded even if you s et the travel date or the return dat e. Even if
[TRAVEL DATE] is set to [SET] after taking the pic tures, which day of the vacatio n you took
them is not displayed.
•If you set a departure date and then tak e a pi c ture on a date before this departu re date, [-]
(minus) is displayed in orange an d the day of the vacation that you took the picture is not
•If the travel date is displ a y e d as [-] (minus) in white, th ere is a time di fference that i nvolves date
change between the [HOME] and [DESTINATION]. (It will be recorded)
•The text set as [LOCATION] can be edited later with [TITLE EDIT].
•The names for [BABY1]/[BABY2] and [PET] will not be recorded when [LOCATION] is set.
•[LOCATION] cannot be recorded when tak i ng motion pictures.
For details on the [SETUP] me nu settings, refer to P18.
You can display the lo cal times at the travel destinat ions and recor d them on the pic tures
you take.
•Select [CLOCK SET] to set the current date and tim e in advance. (P16)
Press 4 to select [LOCATION] and then press 1.Press 4 to select [SET] and then press [MENU/SET].
Enter the location.•For details on how to enter char act e rs, read the [TITLE EDIT] sec tion on P76.
Press [MENU/SET] twice to close the menu.Take a picture.•The number of days that have pass ed since the departure date is disp layed for about
5 seconds if this unit is turne d on etc. after setting the travel date or wh en the travel date
is set.
•When the travel date is set, [—] appears on the lower right of the screen .
Recording Dates/Times at Overseas Travel Destinations (World Time)6
VQT1R87.book 56 ページ 2008年6月26日 木曜日 午前9時35分