Advanced (Recording pictures)
For details on [REC] mode me nu settings, refer to P18.
This allows the sensiti vity to light (ISO sen sitivity) to be set. Sett ing to a higher figure
enables picture s to be taken even in dark places wi thout the resultin g pictures comin g out
Applicable modes: ·
•When setting to [AUTO], the ISO sen siti vity is au toma ticall y adj usted to a max imum of [ISO40 0]
according to the brightness. (It can be adjusted to a maximum of [ISO1000] when using the
•The setting is not available wh en [ I NTELLIGENT ISO] is be i ng us ed. ([ ] is displayed.)
•To avoid picture noise, we recommend that you ei t her reduce the maximum ISO sens i t ivity
level or set [COLORMODE] to [NATURAL], and then take pictures. (P65)
For details on [REC] mode me nu settings, refer to P18.
In sunlight, und er incandescent l ights or in othe r such conditions where the colo r of white
takes on a reddish or bluish tinge, this item adjusts to th e color of white which is cl osest to
what is seen by the eye in accordance with the light source.
Applicable modes: ·¿n
•The optimal white balance will differ depending on the type of halogen lighting being recorded
under so use [AWB] or [Ó].
•The white balance setting is me m or ized even if the camera is turned off. (However, the white
balance setting for a scene mode r eturns to [AWB] when the scene mod e is changed.)
> [SENSITIVITY]ISO sensit ivity
100 1600
Recording location
(recommended) When it is light (outdoors) When it is dark
Shutter speed Slow Fast
Noise Less Increased
= [WHITE BALANCE][AWB]: Automatic adjustment
[V]: When taking pictures outdoors unde r a clear sky
[Ð]: When taking pictures ou tdoors under a c loudy sky
[î]: When taking pictures outdoors in the shade
[Ñ]: When taking pictures under incandes cent lights
[Ò]: Value set by using [Ó]
[Ó]: Set manually
VQT1R87.book 60 ページ 2008年6月23日 月曜日 午前11時17分