
Accessory order information

The free starter film cartridge is only 20 meters (65') long. We recommend that you buy regular film cartridge [100 m (328')] for continuous use of your unit.

For best results, use Panasonic replacement film cartridge, KX-FA65. To stack printed paper, use a paper stacker, PFZXFP101M.

To order, call toll free 1-800-332-5368 or see the fax order instructions below.

Fax order: Please send a fax to 1-800-237-9080. Include: your name, shipping address, telephone number, credit card type, number, expiration and your signature, order part number and quantity, and delivery method – overnight, 2nd day, or ground.

Model No.







Film cartridge

216 mm x 100 m (81/2" x 328') roll





Paper stacker

Used to stack printed paper (p.21, 22).





The film is not reusable. Do not rewind and use the film again.


For accessory order, call toll free 1-800-332-5368.