Problem Cause & Solution
I cannot make calls. RThe dialing mode setting may be wrong. Change the setting (feature #120
on page 24).
RThe cordless handset is too far from the base unit. Move closer and try again
(KX-MB2060 optional).
RAnother unit is in use. Wait and try again later.
RAnswering machine is being used. Wait and try again later.
The unit does not ring. RThe ringer volume is turned OFF. Adjust it (page 27).
The other party complains
they only hear a fax tone and
cannot talk.
RFAX ONLY mode is set (page 63). Tell the other party the number is only
used for faxes.
RChange the receiving mode to TEL mode (page 64) or TAM/FAX mode
(page 62).
RIf you use a Distinctive Ring service, make sure you have set the same ring
pattern assigned by the telephone company (page 68).
The MRedialN or MPauseN
button on the base unit does
not function properly.
RIf this button is pressed during dialing, a pause will be inserted. If pressed
immediately after a dial tone is obtained, the last number dialed will be
The receiving mode does not
function properly.
RDistinctive Ring is set (feature #430 on page 68).
Whenever I try to retrieve my
voice mail messages, I am
interrupted by the fax tone.
RYou are probably entering MGN MBN M9N. This is the default setting for the
fax activation code. If you use a voice mail service, turn the fax activation
feature OFF or reprogram the activation code (feature #434 on page 85).
I cannot page a cordless
handset or base unit
(KX-MB2060 optional).
RThe cordless handset is too far from the base unit.
I cannot receive a fax
document on the computer.
RMake sure the following features are set beforehand.
PC fax reception (feature #442 on page 86)
Computer setting for the PC fax reception (feature #443 on page 30)
I cannot display a received fax
document on the web
browser (LAN connection
RMake sure the following features are set beforehand.
Fax preview mode (feature #448 on page 66)
Web fax preview access code (feature #450 on page 66)
RYou cannot display a received fax document on the web browser during
printing, copying or scanning. Try again after printing, copying or scanning.
I cannot erase a received fax
document on the web
browser (LAN connection
RView, print or save a received fax document before erasing (page 66).
For assistance, please visit 119
14. Help