Using the RS-232C connectors
The projector is equipped with a D-SUB 9-pin RS-232C input connector and RS-232C output connector which
allow the projector to be controlled externally. These connectors conform to RS-232C specifications, and can be
used by a computer which conforms to either RS-232 or RS-232C specifications.
•Set the communication parameters below according to a computer to be connected. To connect the computer,
use a straight cable and connect it to the RS-232C IN connector.
•Communication parameters
•Baud rate (bps) : 1 200/2 400/4 800/9 600/19 200/38 400/76 800
102 400/122 800/153 600/204 800/307 200
•Start & stop bits : 1 bit (fixed)
•Character length : 8 bit (fixed)
•X parameter/S parameter : None
•Synchronization : Start-stop asynchronous
MASTER: Returns a command in response to ID ALL.
SLAVE: Returns no command in response to ID ALL.
•GROUP : A Z / - (no GROUP specification)
MASTER:Transfers (returns) the command corresponding to the group.
Does not transfers (return) the command corresponding to the group.
• BAUD RATE, PARITY, VPS SYSTEM and GROUP are reconfigurable parameters (see the page 73):
• This unit switches to energy-saving mode when in standby to reduce energy consumption.
When turning the power ON from standby mode, send the POWER ON (3Eh) command two times.
• When using two or more units:
1) The communication settings should be the same for inputs and outputs. Each IN and OUT can be adjusted
individually. However, if the first RS-232C OUT is set to 38400 bps, the second RS-232C IN should also be set
to 38400bps.
2) Designate only one unit as VPS SYSTEM MASTER and the rest as VPS SYSTEM SLAVE.
3) Set different IDs for each unit.
4) Each group should have only one GROUP MASTER and the rest should be GROUP SLAVE.
5) When the main power is OFF or in energy-saving mode, input and output to RS-232C OUT is not valid.
Receive (PC DLPTM based projector)
STX(02h) ID NO(1byte) Command(1 to 3bytes) ETX(03h)
Send (PC DLPTM based projector)
STX(02h) ID NO(1byte) Command(1 to 3bytes) ETX(03h)
• The following command is returned in case of error:
STX(02h) ID NO(1byte) ERR(FFh) ETX(03h)
• For ID NOs, see the following ID list.
• For the details of commands, see the Command List (page 74).
• Up to 3 commands can be transmitted.
• All commands are binary commands.