6. Reinstall the access door panels.
The fuse for the Fireman’s Switch is a 1.25 amp
1-1/4x1/4" fast blow fuse, available locally.
1. Unbolt and remove the Door Panels (see Figure 3,
Page 5).
2. Access the control panel board on the underside of
the top cover. Locate the red button on the corner of
the control board (see Figure 24).
3. Push the Max. Temp. Set Point button on the back of
the control board (see Figure 24).
The following sequence should happen:
A. The unit will come on and the POOL ON light will
come on.
B. Press the ▲▲ TEMP or ▼▼ TEMP pad (on TOP of
the panel) to set maximum pool temperature.
C. Wait up to 30 seconds; the POOL ON light will go
off and the SPA ON light will come on. To override
the time delay, push the Max. Temp. Set Point
button again.
D. Press the ▲▲ TEMP or ▼▼ TEMP button on the
control panel and set maximum spa temperature
to 104°F (40°C) or less.
E. Wait up to 30 seconds; the SPA ON light will go
off and the unit will shut down. To override the
time delay, push the Max. Temp. Set Point button
4. Reinstall the access door panels.