Activity Indicator
RPS1620 and RPS1630 2-4
Automated Mode 5-9, 6-7
Back Panel
RPS820 and RPS830 2-1
Baud Rate
Console Port 5-11
Boot/Sequence Delay 5-15
Boot/Sequence Delay Time 6-8
Booting Plugs 6-5
Boot Command 6-6
Button Mode 5-9
Cable Keepers 4-1
Circuit Breakers
RPS1620 and RPS1630 2-5
RPS820 and RPS830 2-1
Co-location 5-14
Command Confirmation 5-9, 6-5, 6-8
Command Echo 5-8
Command Mode Access 5-2 to 5-4
Local PC 5-4
Modem 5-4
Network 5-4
Text Interface 5-4 to 5-5
Web Browser Interface 5-3 to 5-4
COM Port
RPS1620 and RPS1630 2-4
RPS820 and RPS830 2-2
Configuration 5-1 to 5-18
Menus 5-6 to 5-19
Confirmation Prompt 5-9
Console Port 4-2, 5-11, Apx-1
Baud Rate 5-11
Data Bits 5-11
Parity 5-11
RPS1620 and RPS1630 2-4
RPS820 and RPS830 2-2
Stop Bits 5-11
Data Bits 5-11
Default Button
RPS820 and RPS830 2-2
Default On/Off 5-13
Default Parameters 5-9
Delay Period 5-15
Deny Access 5-18
Disable Telnet 5-20 to 5-21
Downloading Parameters 7-1
Duplex Mode 5-8
Error Messages 6-8
Ethernet Port 4-3
External Modem 4-2, 5-11
Firmware Setup 5-1 to 5-18
Firmware Upgrade 8-1 to 8-2
Front Panel
RPS820 and RPS830 2-1
Gateway Address 5-16
General Parameters Menu 5-6 to 5-9
Grounding i
Hardware Installation 4-1 to 4-2
Help Screen 6-3
Inactivity Timeout 5-9
Installation 4-1 to 4-2
Interface Description Apx-1
IP Address 5-16
Default 4-3, 5-3, 5-16
IP Security 5-18 to 5-19
JavaScript 5-3
Local PC 4-2, 5-4
Logging Out 6-7