5 Remote Control Functions



The SM6 comes supplied with a 29 button Perreaux Universal infrared remote control.

The remote control uses 2 x AAA batteries and may be changed by sliding forward the plastic cover located on the bottom of the remote.

Press the red button on the remote to select the code-set required to control the SM6.

The SM6 uses the following functions:


Depressing this control causes minimum volume to be selected. The display will indicate "MU" until any front panel or remote control button is actuated, or the mute button is depressed again at which stage volume will be returned to the previous setting.

After one minute, the SM6 will enter standby mode and volume will be set to zero. The display will revert to a red dot, indicating standby.

The mute control has a ‘punch through’ function and will operate regardless of the code-set selected i.e. you can be operating the CD player remote functions and still use the mute control without selecting

the button first.


Pressing this button will cause the display to revert to the standby indication (one red dot) and is intended for use if the light of the display is distracting (for instance in a darkened room). Depressing any key will cause the display to revert to its normal operation.

Balance Left / Balance Right

The balance controls allow you to vary the level of either the Left or Right channel to obtain the correct stereo balance for your listening position. Pushing the Balance Left button will cause the level of the right channel to be attenuated (decreased in volume). Pushing the Balance Right button will cause the level of the left channel to be attenuated.

During any balance adjustment the display will indicate the direction of adjustment, left or right, with an "L" or an "R" followed by a number indicating the level of adjustment. The range is L1-L9 and R1-R9. "LR" on the display indicates the balance is centred. Pushing either button will initially cause the display to indicate the current balance position.