Special Design Features

Rugged Build


Mechanical strength has been a hallmark of Perreaux products since the




company first started production back in 1974. The concept behind the physical



design and construction is that each structural member should contribute to both



rigidity and performance.



The SM6 is a truly balanced preamplifier, from input to output. The positive



and negative halves of the signal never touch, remaining balanced throughout all



stages. This circuit topology offers the ultimate in performance, providing



increased noise rejection and lower levels of distortion.

Class A


Four discrete output stages operating in Class A provide output buffering. This



enables low impedance loads to be driven, over long cable lengths using any







There is a separate power supply for each section of the preamplifier. One for



each of the volume control chips (two chips are used to keep the system fully



balanced and therefore, to maintain separation, each chip is supplied with it’s



own separate power supply), another one for each of the output buffering stages



(once again because the SM6 utilises a fully balanced circuit topology), another



for the digital logic and the final power supply looks after the input relays. The



advantage of this is that there is complete isolation from stage to stage. The



digital noise is kept completely out. This is further evidence of a thoroughly



designed product offering.



Many audiophile grade components are still provided with analogue controls



that are adjusted on

the faceplate of the unit. While total control from the



remote is common practice in standard products, and so it should be on all



products, it is not yet widely utilised on many high-end systems. Obvious



advantage is that you don’t have to get out of your chair to make an adjustment.



Some of the functions available are: mute, volume up/down, display on/off,



input select and balance.



Perreaux engineers pay particular attention to designing the product to ensure



maximum separation between internal signal and power earths, only meeting at a



central starred point.




The SM6 uses two digitally controlled resistor ladder volume controls. This is



because we treat the positive and negative parts of the signal separately (true



balanced topology).

The advantages of using a digitally controlled analogue



resistor ladder to adjust volume are precise control, no contacts to corrode



creating wiper noise and no analogue component drift.

Dual Outputs


You do not need to purchase an RCA style splitter if you want to drive two



separate power amps simultaneously, as there are dual parallel preamplifier


