Turn up your viewing experience
Thi s TV co mbi ne s a Rea l F lat tu be wit h 1 00H z p ro ces si ng t ec hn ol ogy th at e ns ur es m ov ies
and spo rts ar e true t o life and rel axing for yo ur eyes . Virt ual Do lby Su rround Sound adds
an extra dimension to the viewing experience.
Better quality images that reveal more detail
Real Flat picture tube technology brings you lifelike images
100Hz Digital Scan produces a stable, more relaxing picture
Scan Velocity Modulation Improves definition and contrast
Superb sound reproduction
Virtual Dolby Surround for a cinema-like audio experience
One touch convenience
Smart Picture and Smart Sound to personalize your viewing
100 pages of teletext for fast access to text information


100Hz digital scan
