For preview purpose only
Best picture and sound quality
This su per b 34 " P ixe l Pl us Rea l Fl at TV d isp la ys p ict ur es w it h fa nt ast ic d ep th a nd d et ail s.
Digital Natural Motion completes the picture package, vividly rendering even moving
images. 2 Tuner PIP allows viewing 2 channels simultaneously.
Better quality images that reveal more detail
Real flat picture tube for a better, more vivid image
Pixel Plus for better details, depth and clarity
100Hz Digital Scan produces a stable, more relaxing picture
Digital Natural Motion produces smooth, judder-free images
Active Control optimizes picture quality whatever the source
Superb sound reproduction
Virtual Dolby Surround for a cinema-like audio experience
Great convenience
Picture-in-Picture lets you watch two programs at once
TV with Pixel Plus


100Hz digital scan
