Free your digital music

wake up to favorite music or radio tunes

Free you r dig ita l mu sic in th e co mfo rt of you r ho me! S imp ly p lug your USB device or MP3
player di rectly t o the comp act AJM1 80 to enjo y great s ounds. Pl us, you can choose how
to kick-start each day with favorite music, radio or an alarm.
Sleek, chic and compact design
Enjoy MP3/WMA music directly from your portable USB devices
Compatible with CD-Recordable and CD-ReWritable
Aux-in connection for your portable MP3 music player
Digital tuning with presets
Start the day your way
Wake up to CD, Radio tune or a buzzer
Gentle wake with increasing alarm volume
Repeat alarm
Rich and clear sound experience
Bass Reflex speakers deliver a powerful, deeper bass
Easy to use
Large backlit LCD display for easier viewing in low light
Dual alarm time
Sleep timer for easy fall asleep to your favorite music
PhilipsClock Radio

