A new experience in high definition video

Also enjoy Karaoke Scoring

Your dream player with flawless, true-to-life picture quality and the ab ilit y to p lay v irtu ally
any disc! The Philips DVD player delivers your movies and music entertainment
Brings audio to life
5.1 channel audio output for surround sound
Brings video to life
HDMI 1080p upscales to high definition for sharper pictures
HDMI digital output for easy connection with only one cable
Plays all your movies and music
DivX Ultra Certified for enhanced playback of DivX videos
Plays DivX, MP3, WMA and JPEG digital camera photos
Brings audio and video to life
Progressive Scan component video for optimized image quality
Easy to set up and use
EasyLink for easy control of connected devices via HDMI CEC
PhilipsDVD player

HDMI 1080p

DivX Ultra Karaoke