Swap files in a flash!
The Philips USB flash d rive blue edition is an easy wa y to share and transport your data.
A use ful 2 GB gi ves y ou th e capa city to sw ap an d sha re la rge f iles like documents, pictures
and music via the USB port of your PC or laptop.
Everything you need
• Specially designed and easy to use software pre-installed
• Activity indicator lights up when copying files
Performance and capacity
• 2GB storage capacity for large data files
• Automatic compression of all files saves free space
• Fast data transfer with high-speed USB 2.0
• File synchronization between complete PC and UFD
Safe and secure
• Lost & Found details so the drive can be returned if lost
• Protect your valuable, personal data with a password
PhilipsUSB Flash Drive2GB
blue edition