Your digital music on the move

with MP3, WMA music playback & FM radio

Enjoy your MP3 and WMA music o n the move with the Philips SA 4105. Listen to music
all day long on an AAA battery.
Ready to wear, Ready to go
Enjoy up to 10 hours of music playback*
Small and wearable for ultimate portability
Plug and play data storage
Easy, intuitive music experience
Backlight LCD display with 7 color choices
Equalizer for optimized sound to suit your music style
Your music, your data - on the go, everyday
MP3 and WMA playback
Voice recording to take notes or record anything, anytime
FM radio headphone for use with any portable audio player
Fast downloads from your PC via USB 2.0*
Supports downloaded music
PhilipsFlash audio player

