Viewing a JPEG slideshow
Whenloading a CD/CD-R/RW containing
JPEGpicture files, this unit automatically
startsa slideshow from the first folder/picture
onthe disc. The player displays the pictures in
eachfolder in alphabetical order.
Thetable below shows the controls for viewing
Key Whatit does
fStartsthe slideshow, pauses the slideshow or
restartsa paused disc.
oDisplaysthe previous picture.
pDisplaysthe next picture.
Rotatesthe displayed picture 90° clockwise.
Playing DivX®VOD content
SomeDivX VOD (video on demand) content
mayonly be playable a fixed number of times.
Whenyou load a disc containing this type of
DivXVOD content, the remaining number of
playsis shown on-screen and you then have
theoption of playing the disc (thereby using
upone of the remaining plays), or stopping. If
youload a disc that contains expired DivX
VODcontent (for example, content that has
zeroremaining plays), Rental Expired. is dis-
!Ifyour DivX VOD content allows an unlim-
itednumber of plays, then you may load
thedisc into your player and play the con-
tentas often as you like, and nomessage
willbe displayed.
!Playablenumber of times is displayed with
!Inorder to play DivX VOD content on this unit,
youfirst need to register the unit with your
DivXVOD content provider. About your regis-
trationcode, refer to Displaying your DivX®
VODregistration code on page 50.
!DivXVOD content is protected by a DRM (Di-
gitalRights Management) system. This re-
strictsplayback of content to specific,
%Ifthe message is displayed after load-
inga disc containing DivX VOD content,
Playbackof the DivX VOD content will start.
#Toskip to the next file, touch Next Play.
#Ifyou do not want to play the DivX VOD con-
tent,touch Stop.
Selecting files from the file
name list
Filename list lets you see the list of file names
(orfolder names) and select one of themto
1 TouchList.
2 Touchyour favorite file name (or folder
Thatselection will begin to play.
#Whenyou have selected a folder, a list of the
namesof the files (or the folders) in it can be
viewed.Repeat this operation to select the de-
siredfile name.
#Youcan start playback throughout the se-
lectedlist by touching .
#Toreturn to the previous list (the folder one
levelhigher), touch Back.
#Toreturn to folder 01 (ROOT), touch and hold
Back.However, if folder 01 (ROOT) contains no
files,playback commences with folder 02.
3 TouchESC to return to the ordinary dis-
Playing DivX/JPEG files