Using the Home Media Gallery06

Now playing song information

The Now Playing screen shows detailed information about the song
playing, including:
• Artist and song title
• Progress bar (elapsed time and song length)
• Album name
•File format
• Browse menu
•Play status
•Play mode
• Next/Previous song names

Music sources

From the music sources window you can see all the servers found
on the network and change the selected server. See Movie sources
on page 32 for more information.
About Windows Media Connect
Windows Media Connect is software to deliver music, photos and
movies from a Microsoft Windows XP computer to home stereo
systems and TVs.
With this software, you can play back files stored on the PC through
various devices wherever you like in your home.
At this time you cannot download the Windows Media Connect
software from Microsoft’s website. If your server currently does not
have Windows Media Connect installed, install Windows Media
Player 11 (for Windows XP) instead. This software can be
downloaded from Microsoft’s website.
For more information check the official Microsoft website.

Authorizing this player

In order to be able to browse and play files from a Windows XP PC
with Windows Media Connect this player must be authorized. This
happens automatically when the player makes a connection over
the network to the PC. If not, please authorize this player manually
on the PC.
For more information on authorizing this player, refer to the
instruction manual of your server.
• Some files don’t show up. Where are they?
– File names that don’t end with one of the permitted extensions
won’t be recognized by this player. See also File compatibility on
page 7.
– Supported file formats vary by server. As such, files not
supported by your server are not displayed on this unit.
For more information check with the manufacturer of your
All Songs
Now Playing
Music Sources
Now Playing
Genre: Rock Format: MP3
Previous Song
Pictures Of My
Next Song
Rush Street
Pioneer All Stars
Real Sound
Acoustic Guitar
3:10 / 5:51