Additional information
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
FRMT READ | Sometimes there | Wait until the mes- | |
| is a delay be- | sage disappears |
| tween the start of | and you hear |
| playback and | sound. |
| when you start to |
| hear any sound. |
| |
NO AUDIO | The inserted disc | Replace the disc. | |
| does not contain |
| any playable |
| files. |
| |
SKIPPED | The inserted disc | Replace the disc. | |
| contains DRM |
| protected files. |
| |
PROTECT | All the files on | Replace the disc. | |
| the inserted disc |
| are embedded |
| with DRM. |
USB storage device/iPod
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
NO DEVICE | When plug and | ! Turn the plug | |
| play is off, no | and play on. |
| USB storage de- | ! Connect a com- |
| vice or iPod is | patible USB sto- |
| connected. | rage device/iPod. |
| |
FRMT READ | Sometimes there | Wait until the mes- | |
| is a delay be- | sage disappears |
| tween the start of | and you hear |
| playback and | sound. |
| when you start to |
| hear any sound. |
| |
NO AUDIO | There are no | Transfer the audio | |
| songs. | files to the USB |
| storage device and |
| connect. |
| The connected | Follow the USB |
| USB storage de- | storage device in- |
| vice has security | structions to dis- |
| enabled. | able the security. |
| |
SKIPPED | The connected | Play an audio file | |
| USB storage de- | not embedded with |
| vice contains | Windows Media |
| files embedded | DRM 9/10. |
| with Windows |
| Mediaä DRM 9/ |
| 10. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
| PROTECT | All the files in the | Transfer audio files | |
| USB storage de- | not embedded with |
| vice are em- | Windows Media |
| bedded with | DRM 9/10 to the |
| Windows Media | USB storage de- |
| DRM 9/10. | vice and connect. |
| ||
N/A USB | The USB device | ! Connect a USB | ||
| connected to is | Mass Storage |
| not supported by | Class compliant |
| this unit. | device. |
| ! Disconnect your |
| device and replace |
| it with a compati- |
| ble USB storage |
| device. |
| ||
CHECK USB | The USB connec- | Check that the | ||
| tor or USB cable | USB connector or |
| has short- | USB cable is not |
| circuited. | caught in some- |
| thing or damaged. |
| The connected | Disconnect the |
| USB storage de- | USB storage de- |
| vice consumes | vice and do not |
| more than | use it. Turn the |
| 500 mA (maxi- | ignition switch to |
| mum allowable | OFF, then to ACC |
| current). | or ON and then |
| connect only com- |
| pliant USB storage |
| devices. |
| The iPod oper- | Make sure the con- |
| ates correctly but | nection cable for |
| does not charge. | the iPod has not |
| shorted out (e.g., |
| not caught in |
| metal objects). |
| After checking, |
| turn the ignition |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON, or dis- |
| connect the iPod |
| and reconnect. |
information Additional
En 21